Tag Archives: HOV
Global revolution against injustice and impunity
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin about a global revolution against imperialism and capitalism. Brazil is facing deadly second COVID-19 wave and thousands are dying due to inadequate healthcare system the result of 30 years of Neoliberalism. … Continue reading
Revolution in a time of Pandemic
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin about May Day and the significance for workers in Latin America. The man made virus of Capitalism that has shut down economies worldwide. The militarization of life as the response of … Continue reading
Coronavirus pandemic is more than a medical crisis, it is also a political and ideological crisis
The current coronavirus pandemic is more than a medical crisis, it is also a political and ideological crisis. It is a crisis deeply rooted in years of neglect by neoliberal governments that denied the importance of public health and the … Continue reading
Government takes advantage of Pandemic to bail out banks
We are in the midst of class war says Ellen Brown speaking with Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson The pandemic reveals the government can make available money on demand. Unfortunately the money has been channeled to bail out banks once … Continue reading
Ongoing Coups, pandemic response and global uprisings against police brutality
Sylvia Richardson speaks to Jorge Marti about global uprising for justice. Today world wide protests over George Floyd’s murder by police continue to grow and expand, it is hard to even remember all of the other things that happened in … Continue reading
The opportunities for solidarity across borders
Latin Waves’ host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Raul Burbano, about the coup in Bolivia, the new face of imperialism and colonization. And also the opportunities for solidarity across borders. The ways revolutionary movements across Latin America, link up with Indigenous … Continue reading
Puerto Rico, Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia and Chile marking a wave of resistance in 2019
Latin Waves Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Jorge Martin secretariat of Hands off Venezuela,about popular mobilizations in Latin American that sparked in 2019 in rejection of Capitalism. The massive strikes against right wing governments in Puerto Rico, Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia … Continue reading
Bolivian Coup – Racism and class warfare USA’s imperialism
Latin Waves’ host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela, about the military coup in Bolivia that removed the legitimate elected Indigenous leader Evo Morales. She also comments of the historic marches of over 1 million … Continue reading
10th Year Anniversary of Honduras Coup and Migrant Caravan to the US
Host Sylvia Richardson interviews Grahame Russell He is Co-Director of Rights Action, a Canadian/US organization which funds community struggles, build alliances and partnerships between groups, writes articles and reports, coordinates speaking tours and delegations, accompanies threatened activists, and identifies and … Continue reading
Socialism of the 21st Century
Host Sylvia Richardson has a lively discussion about Socialism of the 21st Century, how right wing reactionary governments in the US , Brazil and Europe are being challenged by mass movements around the world. How their is a new consciousness … Continue reading