Stuart Richardson, Latin Waves
I grew up in a small southwestern Ontario border town called Sarnia; we lived in a very central urban environment close to downtown. I have fond memories of my childhood as I felt a real sense of community, our houses were close together and we knew all our neighbors. I don’t remember a day when one of my neighbors didn’t say good morning or stop by for a chat with my parents. My mom used to give frozen popsicles to the kids and we used to play outside until the street lights came on, I have many fond memories of growing up but I think what I miss the most is that sense of community.
Leaving home at a young age and moving to the coast for opportunity I was always suspicious as it seemed those who worked the hardest jobs had no economic power or influence in society. It is no surprise to me now that the society in which we live by its very nature is designed to keep existing power structures in place. Realizing this fact and struggling against hard economic realities in my own life I came to admire those who fight and refuse to accept society as it is now but see it as “what it could be”.
I have always been an activist and have found my passion in community radio amplifying and creating spaces where voices can be heard and imagination can be acted upon by building communities of interest.