Latin Waves has been a labor of love, tilling the soil that nourishes the seeds of a world based on reciprocity, solidarity and love. Deeply grounded and nourished by the support of radio stations across Canada and the USA. Our show has grown in its reach organically, mostly by word of mouth.
Latin Waves has surpassed its 10th year milestone, from the start we have done our best to bridge our radio work into community based projects. Over the past ten years, Latin Waves has been involved in many grassroots initiatives and conferences including Media Democracy Days, Cascadia Conference, The First Canadian Social Forum, Grassroots Media, Peace Movements and the Public Banking movement just to name a few.
Join us in imagining, co-creating a path to a world with justice, reciprocity and solidarity among peoples. Latin Waves primary objective is sharing ideas that create possibilities in a world mired with crisis.
Reaching out to ask for your financial support allows us to maintain and provide high quality content and expand our reach to communities across Canada and the USA while continuing our outreach and educational opportunities.
Consider Making a One time Donation or becoming a sustaining member