Tag Archives: migration
Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence
Christian Parenti is an American investigative journalist and author. His books include: Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis (2000), a survey of the rise of the prison industrial complex from the Nixon through Reagan Eras and … Continue reading
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Tagged Christian Parenti, community, dispatches, global news, how to listen, international, internet, interviews, itunes, latin waves media, media, media democracy, membership, migration, movements, passion, Peace, podcaster search engine, Podcasting, political, politics, radio, Rights Action, social change, sound, Stuart Richardson, Sylvia Richardson, syndicated, Tropic of Chaos
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Unbridled capitalism and the ideology of austerity
Maria Páez Victor is a sociologist, born in Venezuela and educated in Caracas, New York, Mexico City, and Canada. For several years she taught the sociology of health and medicine as well as health and environmental policies at the University … Continue reading
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Tagged community, dispatches, global news, how to listen, international, internet, interviews, itunes, latin waves media, Maria Páez Victor, media, media democracy, membership, migration, movements, passion, Peace, Podcasting, political, politics, radio, social change, sound, Stuart Richardson, Sylvia Richardson
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