Tag Archives: author
Robin Hahnel, Universal Basic Income, Fighting for progressive change while changing the system itself
Robin Eric Hahnel (born March 25, 1946) is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. He is best known … Continue reading
Real Economy vs Stock Market, Taxation and how to salvage economy and environment
Robin Eric Hahnel (born March 25, 1946) is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. He is best known … Continue reading
Latin Waves Interviews Robin Hahnel – Third of a 4 part series on the economy
Robin Eric Hahnel (born March 25, 1946) is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. He is best known … Continue reading
Robin Hahnel – Second of 4 part series on the economy
Robin Eric Hahnel (born March 25, 1946) is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. He is best known … Continue reading
What can be learned by progressives in the North from the Latin American experience Part 1
Robin Eric Hahnel (born March 25, 1946) is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. He is best known … Continue reading
Parenti on his Book “God and His Demons”
Dr Michael Parenti , internationally known award-winning author and lecturer and one of the nations leading progressive political analysts speaks about his book “God and His Demons”, a critical look at contemporary religion and his current and historic hypocrisies. https://media.blubrry.com/latinwaves/latinwavesmedia.com/audio/ParentiInterview_20150604.mp3Podcast: … Continue reading
Robin Hahnel on Greece Voting No on Austerity
Banks create money when they make loans. Greece could restore the liquidity desperately needed by its banks and its economy by nationalizing the banks and issuing digital loans backed by government guarantees to its ailing businesses. Latin Waves host Sylvia … Continue reading
Peter McLaren speaks about the need to decolonize education
Peter Mclaren is known as one of the leading architects of critical pedagogy and for his scholarly writings on critical literacy, the sociology of education, cultural studies, critical ethnography, and Marxist theory. He has developed a reputation for his uncompromising … Continue reading
Kat Norris shares her experiences and thoughts about residential school and the TRC
The first paragraph of the TRC’s final summary report reads. “For over a century, the central goals of Canada’s Aboriginal policy were to eliminate Aboriginal governments; ignore Aboriginal rights; terminate the Treaties; and, through a process of assimilation, cause Aboriginal peoples … Continue reading
Robin Hahnel on global economic crisis, the sustainability of struggles against austerity
Robin Hahnel is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and has traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. He is best known for his work on … Continue reading