Tag Archives: borders
To create schools that are deserving of our babies
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with David E. Kirkland, Vice Dean for Equity, and Community Action at NYU. The responsibility for educator to engage with issues of social justice. ” To create schools that are deserving of our babies”, … Continue reading
The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men
Robert Jensen is an emeritus professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, a founding board member of the Third Coast Activist Resource Center, and a member of the team developing Ecosphere Studies at The … Continue reading
John Holloway on his book Crack Capitalism
John Holloway (born 1947) is a lawyer, Marxist-oriented sociologist and philosopher, whose work is closely associated with the Zapatista movement in Mexico, his home since 1991. It has also been taken up by some intellectuals associated with the piqueteros in … Continue reading
Dr David E. Kirkland, Transforming the world with more inclusive education methods
David E. Kirkland is a trans-disciplinary scholar of English and urban education, who explores the intersections among urban youth culture, language and literacy, urban teacher preparation, and digital media. He analyzes culture, language, and texts, and has expertise in critical … Continue reading
Dr Cajete speaks about the ecology of Indigenous education
Sylvia speaks to author, artist and educator Dr. Gregory Cajete, an elder with of the Tewa Peoples, about the ecology of Indigenous education. Faced with the affects of colonization on the lives of indigenous people, a dominant Euro-centric education system … Continue reading
Sylvia Richardson of Latin Waves Interviews Dana Lyons on his latest album the Great Salish Sea, Dana speaks about the need for citizens to protect this pristine coast from Coal, Oil exports and how this is already happening in Oregon … Continue reading
Dr Aviva Chomsky “Her latest book Organizing for Power: Building a 21st Century Labor Movement”
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Dr. Aviva Chomsky, about creating a labour movement for the 21st century. The triumph of Neoliberalism has meant that the state no longer works toward the welfare of its population but rather to … Continue reading
Sacred teachings of Quechua Aymara people about the path to coexistence
**Encore Show from 2018 but still relevant, we are paying tribute to Marcelo Saavedra who showed great generosity towards our show and the world through his actions and teachings, he never gave up in making this world a better place. … Continue reading
Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women the Push to end Colonization
BRANDI MORIN is an award-winning Cree/Iroquois/French multimedia journalist from Treaty 6 territory in Alberta. Among her many awards over a decade of reporting on Indigenous oppression in North America, she won the 2021 Edward R Murrow Award in the Feature … Continue reading
The US is not helping Ukraine fight Russia, the US is using Ukraine to fight Russia
Host Stuart Richardson interviews Bruce Gagnon, co-founder and coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, he fights the reach of corporate greed into space. We give a historical perspective on the Russia/Ukraine conflict, how events … Continue reading