Tag Archives: dispatches
Sylvia Richardson of Latin Waves Interviews Dana Lyons on his latest album the Great Salish Sea, Dana speaks about the need for citizens to protect this pristine coast from Coal, Oil exports and how this is already happening in Oregon … Continue reading
Is Capitalism compatible with the worlds great religions
**Encore Christmas Show** Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Robert Jensen about our “dead culture” of state Fundamentalism. Jensen says that absolute beliefs that ignore life’s complexities are used to support the politics of empire. He gives examples of … Continue reading
Dr Aviva Chomsky “Her latest book Organizing for Power: Building a 21st Century Labor Movement”
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Dr. Aviva Chomsky, about creating a labour movement for the 21st century. The triumph of Neoliberalism has meant that the state no longer works toward the welfare of its population but rather to … Continue reading
David Bacon on his book Illegal People
David Bacon explores the human side of globalization, exposing the many ways it uproots people driving them to migrate. He also speaks about how immigration policy makes the labor of those displaced people a crime in the United States. Illegal … Continue reading
Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion
**encore show, still relevant today in how we organize our politics, not to get sucked into main stream political messaging with elections coming up** Arnold August has an MA in political science from McGill University. He is an author, journalist … Continue reading
To create schools that are deserving of our babies
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with David E. Kirkland, Vice Dean for Equity, and Community Action at NYU. The responsibility for educator to engage with issues of social justice. ” To create schools that are deserving of our babies”, … Continue reading
Responsibilities of Teaching, Preaching, Reporting, Writing, and Speaking Out
In the face of multiple, cascading crises—economic and ecological, political and cultural—it is more important than ever to confront the reality of the threats we face. Based on a calm apocalypticism and a common-sense approach to intellectual life, We Are … Continue reading
Climate Change, Ukraine War, Uprisings in France, Peru and Argentina
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela, they talk about climate change, the war in Ukraine between imperial powers. The Uprisings in France over pensions and race riots, and the situation in Niger, … Continue reading
Ukraine, USA , Imperial Wars and the only way to stop them is a system class analysis
Latin Waves’ host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela, they speak about the current conflict in Russia, some history of the conflict and how Western powers and now Russia make excuses for imperial wars. How … Continue reading
Unpacking Ukraine Crisis and how it relates to Latin America
Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Author and Journalist Arnold August about the Ukraine crisis, how it will impact Latin America particularly Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. How we should reject all conflict around the world that involves imperialism either from Russia … Continue reading