Tag Archives: itunes
Grahame on his new book Code ”59.5 There is Only One People Here’
Grahame Russell is a lawyer and director of Rights Action, he is the author of “Code Z59.5” & “The Never Ending”. In this segment we speak to Russell about his book Code Z59.5 There is Only One People Here. In … Continue reading
Port Moody BC, Mayoral Debate , Election Day is Oct 20th
Host Stuart Richardson interviews both incumbent Mayor Mike Clay and mayor hopeful Rob Vagramov. Mike Clay has served on Port Moody Council for 13 years, as Mayor since 2011. Rob Vagramov was elected as Port Moody Councillor in 2014. We talk … Continue reading
Myths and Prejudices about issues of poverty and homelessness
Zoe Luba is an organizer with Stop Demovictions Burnaby, coordinated by the alliance against displacement, a political organization building dual power between working class and indigenous communities to dismantle capitalism and colonialism. Stop demovictions Burnaby is fighting mass gentrification in … Continue reading
The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men
Host Sylvia has a lively discussion with Robert Jensen about his newest book. He calls for a radical feminist challenge to institutionalized male dominance; an uncompromising rejection of men’s assertion of a right to control women’s sexuality; and a demand … Continue reading
Stopping the Space Force proposal and moving the money to human centered projects
Bruce Gagnon is the Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He was a co-founder of the Global Network when it was created in 1992. Between 1983–1998 Bruce was the State Coordinator of the Florida … Continue reading
Grassroots resistance including public meetings, protests and occupations.
Zoe Luba is an organizer with Stop Demovictions Burnaby, coordinated by the alliance against displacement, a political organization building dual power between working class and indigenous communities to dismantle capitalism and colonialism. Stop demovictions Burnaby is fighting mass gentrification in … Continue reading
Linda gives an thorough interview about her new book The trouble with billionaires She touches on issues off philanthropy and academic freedom around controversial donations from corporations like Gold Corp, she offers alternatives to help us implement a more equitable … Continue reading
Derrick Jensen on his latest book The Knitting Circle Rapist Annihilation Squad
Sylvia Richardson speaks with Activist and author Derrick Jensen on his latest book: The Knitting Circle Rapist Annihilation Squad. He makes visible the unspoken hierarchical structures of power and violence. Why in a capitalist, patriarchal system violence against women, people … Continue reading
Venezuela election, Western Propaganda and sanctions by the US, Canada and Europe
Maria Páez Victor is a sociologist, born in Venezuela and educated in Caracas, New York, Mexico City, and Canada. For several years she taught the sociology of health and medicine as well as health and environmental policies at the University … Continue reading
Cultivating the habits and virtues that co-create the path to coexistence
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with author Robert Jensen about cultivating the habits and virtues that co-create the path to coexistence. This interview is an invitation to integrate our political, cultural, spiritual and ecological worlds and ways of being … Continue reading