Tag Archives: itunes
Ongoing Coups, pandemic response and global uprisings against police brutality
Sylvia Richardson speaks to Jorge Marti about global uprising for justice. Today world wide protests over George Floyd’s murder by police continue to grow and expand, it is hard to even remember all of the other things that happened in … Continue reading
Neo Liberalism and the relationship to the Prison Industrial Complex
Christian Parenti is an American investigative journalist and author. His books include: Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis (2000), a survey of the rise of the prison industrial complex from the Nixon through Reagan Eras and … Continue reading
Latin Waves has surpassed its 12th year on the air, we bring our listeners in-depth coverage of issues with a focus on the history of an issue and what that history means for us today and most importantly what we … Continue reading
A deeper look at COVID19 and how mainstream society responds to crisis
Derrick Jensen is an American, anarchoprimitivist, ecophilosopher and radical environmentalist living in Crescent City, California. According to Democracy Now!, Jensen “has been called the poet-philosopher of the ecological movement. Host Sylvia Richardson takes a deep dive with Derrick Jensen on … Continue reading
Anniversary of the attempted coup in Venezuela
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has supplied, since 2017, over 467 million dollars to the Venezuelan opposition for what they falsely call “humanitarian aid,” On this interview Host Sylvia Richardson talk with Dr. Maria Paez Victor about the … Continue reading
Canadian Imperialism from Venezuela to Bolivia to the Wet’suwet’en
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with journalist Arnold August about Canada’s imperialist campaign to recognize Juan Guaidó, a man who self-declared himself president of Venezuela in February 2019. Canada’s involvement in the failed attempted coup to oust democratically elected … Continue reading
The Obligation of Stories
Métis leader Jim Brady and Cree councilor Abbie Halkett disappeared in 1967 while on a prospecting trip in northern Saskatchewan by Lower Foster Lake. As both were outspoken activists for their communities–Brady, in particular, was considered radical–many don’t believe that … Continue reading
Coup in Bolivia and the response of the international community
A professor at Carleton University, Marcelo Saavedra is an Indigenous Bolivian leader and founder of the Bolivia Action Solidarity Network. He speaks to Latin Waves about the recent and ongoing coup in Bolivia, the response of the international community and … Continue reading
Bolivian Coup – Racism and class warfare USA’s imperialism
Latin Waves’ host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela, about the military coup in Bolivia that removed the legitimate elected Indigenous leader Evo Morales. She also comments of the historic marches of over 1 million … Continue reading
Protests in Chile, Continued resistance in Venezuela and Indigenous uprisings
Dr. Paez is a Venezuelan-Canadian sociologist , she observed firsthand the sweeping changes that were brought about by Chavez’s Bolivarian Revolution. Paez is now retired after teaching sociology at the University of Toronto and working as a consultant. Sylvia speaks … Continue reading