Tag Archives: Latin America
Derrick Jensen – Naturality’ of hierarchy and our culture of violation
Derrick Jensen is an American author and environmental activist (and critic of mainstream environmentalism). Jensen has published several books questioning and critiquing modern civilization and its values, including The Culture of Make Believe and Endgame. He has also taught creative … Continue reading
Charles Boylan on 2017, A Year of Resistance
*I am re-airing this show from a few months ago to honor activist radio legend and my good friend Charles Boylan who did this interview while in the late stages of his cancer, he passed away June 17th and will … Continue reading
Where the Waters Divide Neoliberalism, White Privilege, and Environmental Racism in Canada
The interview examines how Neo-liberal reforms (in the manner of De-regulation, austerity measures, common sense policies, privatization, etc.) are woven through and shape contemporary racial inequality in Canadian society. Using recent controversies in drinking water contamination and solid waste and … Continue reading
Derrick Jensen on hierarchical structures of power and violence in a capitalist society
Sylvia Richardson and author Derrick Jensen make visible the unspoken hierarchical structures of power and violence. Why in a capitalist, patriarchal system violence against women, people of colour and against nature is the norm not the exception. https://media.blubrry.com/latinwaves/latinwavesmedia.com/audio/LatinWaves_Derrick_Jensen.mp3Podcast: Download | … Continue reading
Solving contemporary issues facing humanity using the wisdom and spirituality of our ancestors
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Aymara Elder and Professor of Indigenous Studies Marcelo Saavedra-Vargas about solving contemporary issues facing humanity using the wisdom and spirituality of our ancestors. How remembering the stories of the land about living and … Continue reading
Dr Lund on his book The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education
We speak to Dr Darren Lund, Dr. Lund is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary, where his research examines social justice activism in schools and communities. Since the 1980s Darren has published over 230 … Continue reading
Kinder Morgan approval, the politics of energy
We interview one of Vancouver’s best-known environmentalists Ben West who is executive director of Tanker Free B.C. Co-host of Latin Waves Stuart Richardson speaks to Ben about the recently approved expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline and what that means … Continue reading
Newcomb speaks about his book Pagans in the Promised Land
Steven Newcomb speaks about his book Pagans in the Promised Land which decodes the hidden Old Testament religious basis of the doctrine of discovery as it relates to federal Indian law and policy. Steven T. Newcomb,indigenous law research coordinator for … Continue reading
Interview with Latin Waves Host Sylvia Richardson
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson is interviewed by Charles Boylan from Vancouver’s Co-op Radio, she speaks about her new book Fleshmapping, Cartography of Struggle, Renewal and Hope in Education Sylvia L. Richardson is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of … Continue reading
The upcoming US elections and what that means for Latin America
Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin from of Hands of Venezuela, they speak about the upcoming US elections and what that means for Latin America. Lessons learned in Venezuela and how to move forward with progressive movements in the future. … Continue reading