Tag Archives: Michael Albert
US is risking international security by pulling out of nuclear treaties
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson interviews Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and publisher of a blog called Organizing Notes. They speak about how the US is risking international security by pulling … Continue reading
The conflict in Venezuela is a neocolonial war
Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Venezuelan-Canadian Sociologist Maria Paez Victor who defines the conflict in Venezuela as a neocolonial war. In this interview we explore the historical revolutionary process of Venezuela of the past 20 years as the people rose … Continue reading
Raul Burbano speaks about the ongoing Coup attempt in Venezuela and what our role should be
Host Sylvia speaks to Raul Burbano from Common Frontiers about the ongoing Coup attempts in Venezuela, why Venezuela has been singled out and the role of ordinary citizens in holding their governments like Canada accountable when they endorse these illegal … Continue reading
Michael Albert on the current economic system and need to move to participatory economy
Michael Albert is an American activist, speaker, and writer. He is co-editor of ZNet, and co-editor and co-founder of Z Magazine. He also co-founded South End Press and has written numerous books and articles. Micheal speaks about the structures of … Continue reading