Tag Archives: migration
The opportunities for solidarity across borders
Latin Waves’ host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Raul Burbano, about the coup in Bolivia, the new face of imperialism and colonization. And also the opportunities for solidarity across borders. The ways revolutionary movements across Latin America, link up with Indigenous … Continue reading
Puerto Rico, Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia and Chile marking a wave of resistance in 2019
Latin Waves Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Jorge Martin secretariat of Hands off Venezuela,about popular mobilizations in Latin American that sparked in 2019 in rejection of Capitalism. The massive strikes against right wing governments in Puerto Rico, Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia … Continue reading
The Obligation of Stories
Métis leader Jim Brady and Cree councilor Abbie Halkett disappeared in 1967 while on a prospecting trip in northern Saskatchewan by Lower Foster Lake. As both were outspoken activists for their communities–Brady, in particular, was considered radical–many don’t believe that … Continue reading
Myths and Prejudices about issues of poverty and homelessness
Zoe Luba is an organizer with Stop Demovictions Burnaby, coordinated by the alliance against displacement, a political organization building dual power between working class and indigenous communities to dismantle capitalism and colonialism. Stop demovictions Burnaby is fighting mass gentrification in … Continue reading
Damien Gillis , Pipelines and the status quo energy policy
Damien Gillis is a B.C.-based documentary filmmaker and journalist. He co-directed and produced the award-winning feature doc Fractured Land and is the co-founder and publisher of the online journal, The Common Sense Canadian. His writing has appeared in such publications … Continue reading
Grassroots resistance including public meetings, protests and occupations.
Zoe Luba is an organizer with Stop Demovictions Burnaby, coordinated by the alliance against displacement, a political organization building dual power between working class and indigenous communities to dismantle capitalism and colonialism. Stop demovictions Burnaby is fighting mass gentrification in … Continue reading
Cultivating the habits and virtues that co-create the path to coexistence
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with author Robert Jensen about cultivating the habits and virtues that co-create the path to coexistence. This interview is an invitation to integrate our political, cultural, spiritual and ecological worlds and ways of being … Continue reading
The Right To Stay Home, How US Policy Drives Mexican Migration
David Bacon is an Award-winning photojournalist, author, and immigrant rights activist he has spent over twenty years as a labor organizer. For the past two decades he has been a reporter and documentary photographer, shooting for many national publications and … Continue reading
Venezuela , Donald Trump and policies toward Latin America
Jorge Martin is International Secretary of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign. He has been actively involved in the revolutionary process in Venezuela and is well known for his analysis of the situation. Jorge has participated in many conferences and meetings … Continue reading
Arguing for Our Lives: A User s Guide to Constructive Dialog
Robert Jensen, professor in the School of Journalism at The University of Texas at Austin College of Communication, is the author of Arguing for Our Lives: A User s Guide to Constructive Dialog, (City Lights Publishers, March 2013). The book … Continue reading