Tag Archives: bloggers
Hundreds of Indigenous Children found in unmarked graves
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Sociologist Dr. Maria Paez Victor about the Eurocentric attitude in Canada about indigenous issues, how Canada is perceived in the world vs the reality of Canada acting like an empire, how finding hundreds … Continue reading
Biden refuses to remove Trumps additional sanctions on CUBA further punishing ordinary Cubans
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin secretariat of Hands off Venezuela about Cuba. The UN has declared the USA’s blockade of Cuba illegal 29 times the last vote on June 23 with 182 countries voting against the … Continue reading
Cuba and its 60 years of resistance to US Imperialism
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with journalist Arnold August about the legacy of empire. After more than 100 years of US imperialistic aggression in Latin America, people in the Latin America have learned the habits of empire. Starve the … Continue reading
Humanizing education so that it sustains learners in times of chaos
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Darren Lund, author of The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education. They speak about humanizing education so that it sustains learners in times of chaos. Resilience and hope are … Continue reading
Social Movements in 2020, Capitalism and Covid and new president Joe Biden
Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Jorge Marti about social movements in 2020 in both South and North America, how Neo Liberalism and decades of austerity have left powerful capitalism societies unprepared for the pandemic. His views about new President Joe … Continue reading
Imperialism that informs colonial processes in Canada
Arnold August has an MA in political science from McGill University. He is an author, journalist and lecturer living in Montreal. He is the author of Democracy in Cuba and the 1997 “98 Elections (Editorial Jos Mart ) Latin Waves … Continue reading
Uprisings In Columbia
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Common Frontiers director Raul Burbano, about the up rising in Colombia. From April 28 to May 8, the violent actions of the state security forces resulted in the death of least 47 people, the arbitrary detention … Continue reading
Revolution in a time of Pandemic
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin about May Day and the significance for workers in Latin America. The man made virus of Capitalism that has shut down economies worldwide. The militarization of life as the response of … Continue reading
Immigration Under Biden while COVID19 is going on
David Bacon is a photojournalist, author, political activist, and union organizer who has focused on labor issues, particularly those related to immigrant labor. Some of his popular books include, Illegal People, The Right to Stay home and In the fields … Continue reading
6th year anniversary of the war in Yemen
Host Stuart Richardson interviews Azza Rojbi North African social justice and anti-racism activist, author of the book “U.S. & Saudi War on the People of Yemen” (Battle of Ideas Press, 2019) and secretary of Vancouver’s anti-war coalition Mobilization Against War … Continue reading