Tag Archives: Jorge Martin
Global revolution against injustice and impunity
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin about a global revolution against imperialism and capitalism. Brazil is facing deadly second COVID-19 wave and thousands are dying due to inadequate healthcare system the result of 30 years of Neoliberalism. … Continue reading
Revolution in a time of Pandemic
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin about May Day and the significance for workers in Latin America. The man made virus of Capitalism that has shut down economies worldwide. The militarization of life as the response of … Continue reading
Coronavirus pandemic is more than a medical crisis, it is also a political and ideological crisis
The current coronavirus pandemic is more than a medical crisis, it is also a political and ideological crisis. It is a crisis deeply rooted in years of neglect by neoliberal governments that denied the importance of public health and the … Continue reading
Puerto Rico, Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia and Chile marking a wave of resistance in 2019
Latin Waves Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Jorge Martin secretariat of Hands off Venezuela,about popular mobilizations in Latin American that sparked in 2019 in rejection of Capitalism. The massive strikes against right wing governments in Puerto Rico, Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia … Continue reading
Bolivian Coup – Racism and class warfare USA’s imperialism
Latin Waves’ host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela, about the military coup in Bolivia that removed the legitimate elected Indigenous leader Evo Morales. She also comments of the historic marches of over 1 million … Continue reading
Venezuela , Donald Trump and policies toward Latin America
Jorge Martin is International Secretary of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign. He has been actively involved in the revolutionary process in Venezuela and is well known for his analysis of the situation. Jorge has participated in many conferences and meetings … Continue reading
Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela
Latin Waves Host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela about the current threat of invasion, the root causes of the crisis in Venezuela. Also why this moment may prove a catalyst for the advancing of … Continue reading
The upcoming US elections and what that means for Latin America
Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin from of Hands of Venezuela, they speak about the upcoming US elections and what that means for Latin America. Lessons learned in Venezuela and how to move forward with progressive movements in the future. … Continue reading
Jorge Martin – Greece election could reverse the savage austerity program
Jorge Martin, international secretary of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign was interviewed regarding the upcoming election in Greece. Greece’s Coalition of the Left, or SYRIZA, continues to lead in polls in the days before national elections on January 25, making … Continue reading