Tag Archives: HOV
Venezuelan Civic Military Union
The United States’ history of invasions in Latin America is well documented. Over 100 invasions in the last century. The economic violence of: odious debts, economic sanctions, blockades to isolate Venezuela (and any country in their target) from other sources … Continue reading
The USA and Canada’s shameful role in Venezuela
Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Dr Paez about the ongoing coup attempt in Venezuela, how the US and Canada continue to break international law with illegal sanctions against a sovereign nation. How the resistance and history of the Venezuelan people … Continue reading
Venezuela , Donald Trump and policies toward Latin America
Jorge Martin is International Secretary of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign. He has been actively involved in the revolutionary process in Venezuela and is well known for his analysis of the situation. Jorge has participated in many conferences and meetings … Continue reading
Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela
Latin Waves Host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin Secretariat of Hands off Venezuela about the current threat of invasion, the root causes of the crisis in Venezuela. Also why this moment may prove a catalyst for the advancing of … Continue reading
The upcoming US elections and what that means for Latin America
Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin from of Hands of Venezuela, they speak about the upcoming US elections and what that means for Latin America. Lessons learned in Venezuela and how to move forward with progressive movements in the future. … Continue reading
Jorge Martin – Greece election could reverse the savage austerity program
Jorge Martin, international secretary of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign was interviewed regarding the upcoming election in Greece. Greece’s Coalition of the Left, or SYRIZA, continues to lead in polls in the days before national elections on January 25, making … Continue reading