Tag Archives: itunes
Dr. Marcelo Saavedra – Regenerative ways of being – Part 2 of 3
Latin Waves Host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Aymara elder Dr. Marcelo Saavedra professor of Indigenous Studies at Ottowa University about a Regenerative ways of being, the ancient wisdom of ancestors of co-existence and co-creation. The Sacredness of our live and … Continue reading
Dr. Marcelo Saavedra – Regenerative ways of being –
Latin Waves Host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Aymara elder Dr. Marcelo Saavedra professor of Indigenous Studies at Ottowa University about a Regenerative ways of being, the ancient wisdom of ancestors of co-existence and co-creation. The Sacredness of our live and … Continue reading
Lessons learned from Venezuela Socialism of the 21st Century and the recent parliamentary election results
Robin Eric Hahnel is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. Latin Waves host, Sylvia Richardson speaks with Economist … Continue reading
Jesse speaks about his latest documentary Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley
Jesse Freeston is a filmmaker and video-journalist based in Montréal, Québec.Jesse filming for ‘Resistencia’ in the Aguán Valley, Honduras. Jesse was a key member of The Real News Network where from 2009 to 2011 he produced more than 100 investigative … Continue reading
Canadian Elections, The TPP, BIll C51 and cell phone rates
Stuart Richardson of Latin Waves interviews David Christopher Communications Manager from Open Media, we have a vigorous discussion about our digital rights as Canadians. We touch on how the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) deal may fundamentally change the way the internet … Continue reading
Bernie Williams Co-Founder of Walk4Justice talks change
The Walk4Justice initiative began after cofounders Gladys Radek and Bernie Williams participated in a walk from Prince Rupert to Prince George for the 2006 Highway of Tears symposium. Stuart Richardson speaks to Bernie about the worsening situation and a need … Continue reading
Unions fighting back against concessions,phoney bankruptcy schemes, brutal lockouts and takeovers
Charles Boylan is a Canadian radio broadcaster and political activist. He is the former producer of Wake up with co-op and currently hosts the program Discussion, on CFRO 100.5FM; a community-run, co-operatively-owned, non-corporate radio station broadcasting from Vancouver, British Columbia. … Continue reading
Failed transit referendum, Fracking ,Forest fires , climate change and increased tanker traffic
Ben West, has been an environmental, political and social activist in the Lower Mainland for almost 15 years, dating back to his work with the Capilano Students Union. A former Organizer and eventually provincial Deputy Leader for the Green Party, … Continue reading
Unbridled capitalism and the ideology of austerity
Maria Páez Victor is a sociologist, born in Venezuela and educated in Caracas, New York, Mexico City, and Canada. For several years she taught the sociology of health and medicine as well as health and environmental policies at the University … Continue reading
Canadian Elections, more accountability, ethics and transparency from all political parties,
Duff Conacher, LL.B., is an internationally recognized leader in the area of democratic reform and government accountability. He is a former Ralph Nader’s Raider and he has worked as a researcher, community organizer and educator, legal intern and consultant. A … Continue reading