Tag Archives: latin waves media
We contextualize the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Latin Waves host Stuart Richardson interviews Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and publisher of a blog called Organizing Notes. We contextualize the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia, both myself and Bruce have … Continue reading
Joe Rogan, Cancel Culture Electoral Politics and why we fight
Tim Black covers news, politics, race, culture, and events from a perspective of Black American, Whether he’s talking politics, current events, breaking news, or pop culture there will be no apologies, wavers, or waffling. Host Stuart Richardson and Tim have … Continue reading
Overcoming Racism and EuroCentrism to create a new world
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Sociologist Dr. Maria Paez Victor, a powerful and lively discussion about the declining global role of the US in the world. How as social movements we must overcome racism and Eurocentrism to move … Continue reading
Whats really happening in Ukraine and why we need to stop it now
Latin Waves host Stuart Richardson interviews Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and publisher of a blog called Organizing Notes. We have a lively discussion about whats happening on the ground in … Continue reading
The role of languages the fallacy of individualism in western culture
A professor at Carleton University,Dr Marcelo Saavedra is an Indigenous Bolivian leader and founder of the Bolivia Action Solidarity Network. Host Sylvia Richardson speaks about the mature languages and cultures on Turtle Island, how that thinking challenges the fallacy of … Continue reading
Indigenization of our Struggle against Capitalism
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Silvia Federici author of Revolution at Ground Zero. The zero point of revolution is our social relations, the violence of capitalism as our primary organizing system has normalized slavery, repression, control, and surveillance … Continue reading
2021 Recap Victory in India and Latin America with multiple social uprisings
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Marti the secretariat of Hands off Venezuela about social movements in 2021. After more than 15 months of farmers’ protests, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, accepted defeat and repealed the … Continue reading
How to move beyond capitalism and Chile moves left
Robin Eric Hahnel is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. Latin Waves’ host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Economist … Continue reading
The USA’s new security partnership known as the Quad
Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Marti ,secretariat of Hands of Venezuela about the USA’s new security partnership known as the Quad to include United States, India, Japan and Australia as a strategic partner and providing Australia with … Continue reading
Democratic Economic Planning by Dr Robin Hahnel Continued
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Dr. Robyn Hahnel about his latest book Democratic Economic Planning. The hastening pace of global climate change’s human impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, the impact of political and economic hegemony of the … Continue reading